Status of US brands slips globally among teens |

Some big brands like Coke, McDonald's, and Disney are growing more unpopular with "global teens". "What applies to young people is 'Did it break? And did my friends say it was cool?' [It's an] opinion process that goes on through IMs and text-messaging, and it applies to everything from movies to cargo pants." (from " remaindered links weblog")

The Free Expression Policy Project

"The Free Expression Policy Project has been part of the NYUSchool of Law’s Brennan Center for Justice for the past two years. During that time, the Project has continued to provide research reports and a host of other valuable insights on copyright, free speech, and media democracy issues. The site is fairly easy to navigate, as users can peruse some of the topical headings offered at the top of the homepage. These include areas that deal with media policy, violence in the media, art censorship, and censorship history. Users can also use tabs on the left side of the homepage to look over a number of fact sheets, commentaries, and court and agency briefs. Overall, the site contains a host of materials that will be quite helpful to both legal scholars and those with an interest in these weighty and important issues." (from The Internet Scout Report, Feb. 17, 2006)

Re: tonight's class (plus discussions & final paper assignments)

Again, ya'll... great discussion! I was particularly impressed with folks' comments regarding the articles from Unit I! The same level of analysis that you used in the written posts for those first chapters in the book will foster fantastic discussions in classes to come!!

As we saw in action tonight... in terms of structuring your guided discussion:

(1) Be sure that you can familiarize your classmates with any aspects of the article that might not be as clear to the casual reader;
(2) Analyze the article in terms of all the major strengths and weaknesses of its argument, and be ready to facilitate your classmates' understanding of them;
(3) Search and read recent news articles that tie your topic to recent events so that you can make the discussion as current as possible.

As for the final paper, this project is still developing organically, but its minimum requirements will be:

(1) Nine pages :-)
(2) An feasibility study of your article's issue, based upon your up-to-date reading and analysis of the topic together with a synthesis of your experience in the Honors' core curriculum, in your major, and as an SJC soon-to-be graduate.
(3) And, lastly, what do you say about an April 18th deadline??

Quote of the Day

"Culture of the mind must be subservient to the heart."

-Mohandas K. Gandhi


"The State of the Union Address was tonight. C-Span not only has the video, but transcripts of every State of the Union address starting from 1945!"

Guardian Unlimited Special reports Analysis: State of the Union: "George Bush delivered a State of the Union address loaded with optimism, but read the small print, warns Julian Borger..."

(from Metafilter)