"The Gapminder World 2006"
(from The Presurfer)
Welcome to Yale Center for the Study of Globalization
"The study of globalization has gained great currency over the past decade, and a number of private organizations and institutions of higher learning have moved to create centers and institutes where individuals can come together to discuss and research this phenomenon and process. The Yale Center for the Study of Globalization (YCSG) was created in 2001, and it is dedicated to 'enriching the debate about globalization on campus and topromote the flow of ideas between Yale and the policy world'. First-time visitors will want to take a look at one of the thematic areas, which include those dedicated to global trade reform and climate change. In both locations, visitors will find a number of helpful research papers andrelated materials. The real treat here is the YaleGlobal Online Magazine, which contains compelling articles on the effects of globalization in Europe as well as special reports on the Avian flu and SARS."
(from The Internet Scout Report, May 26, 2006)
The Earth Institute at Columbia University
"Under the very able direction of Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, The Earth Institute at Columbia University is dedicated to addressing a number of tremendously complex issues, including the vexing question of sustainabledevelopment as well as the needs of the world’s poor. To this end, the Institute supports a number of creative projects in the biological, engineering, and health sciences, along with inculcating a spirit of cooperation across various disciplines. The homepage of the Institute israther delightful, largely due to the fact that its general layout is quite simple and user-friendly. Visitors can start their journey by looking attheir news releases, and then taking a gander at the 'Reports from the Field' area which brings to light some of the recent investigations by Institute affiliates in an engaging and informative fashion. Those looking for some of their scholarly work should take a look at the 'Research' section of their site where they can learn about the various initiativesthat are in progress at the Institute. The site is rounded out by a detailed calendar of events."
(from The Internet Scout Report, May 26, 2006)
Worldometeres - real time world statistics
"Architecture of New York City"
UPDATED: Letter to Bright, Young SJC Honors Graduates on a Dark & Rainy Day...
"I grew up on the Great Lakes and recognize a seaworthy vessel when I see one. Regarding awakened souls, there have never been more able crafts in the waters than there are right now across the world. And they are fully provisioned and able to signal one another as never before in the history of humankind. I would like to take your hands for a moment and assure you that you are built well for these times. Despite your stints of doubt, your frustrations in arighting all that needs change right now, or even feeling you have lost the map entirely, you are not without resource, you are not alone. Look out over the prow; there are
millions of boats of righteous souls on the waters with you. In your deepest bones, you have always known this is so. Even though your veneers may shiver from every wave in this stormy roil, I assure you that the long timbers composing your prow and rudder come from a greater forest. That long-grained lumber is known to withstand storms, to hold together, to hold its own, and to advance, regardless...
One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires ... causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these — to be fierce and to show mercy toward others, both — are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do...
In that spirit, I hope you will write this on your wall: When a greatship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But ... that is not what great ships are built for.
...This comes with much love and prayer that you remember who you came from, and why you came to this beautiful, needful Earth,"
That's where Dr. Estés signs her letter. I wish I were as eloquent as she, but it seems the best place to sign mine as well...As you leave this particular safe harbor, may your voyages be adventurous and prosperous, and may your souls shine like beacons for other ships, great and small!!
Best wishes and lots of love to you all!
P.S. Check back periodically... as I find more photos and news of Honors' exploits, I'll post them here! For updates of my own exploits, both here and abroad - such as they may be - you can keep tabs if you want with my own personal blog. Arrivederci, tutti!! :-)
P.P.S. At left, the possible "one exception"... ;-)
At right, cameo appearance by this year's Honors' "mascot"... ("Look, ma... no cavities!!")
New York Stories!

Not exactly conducive for freshmen taking exams, but pretty damn funny nonetheless! :-) I can't tell you how thankful I am (and have always been!) of your collective sharp wit, good humor and - last but certainly not least - great patience!!
And, now, without further ado... "Capstone Takes Manhattan"!!
(Ooops, one more "ado"... The photos here so far are courtesy of Robin Caron and my cell phone. Anybody else got pictures back? Send 'em to me! If they've been developed into prints and you don't have copies, I'll scan them and mail 'em right back to you!! This post will be updated as more memorabilia comes in... So, be sure to check back!!)

11:19 am- Matt just got WAY too excited over 'Where in the World is Carmen San Diego.' I was never a big fan...
2:06 pm- We find our way back on the highway after an hour+ pee break...
3:05 pm- Amanda wonders out loud if we will catch up to the bus. Matt responds with 'oh, we’ll catch up to it like it is a raptor and I am a raptor hunter!' (Matt quote #1)

3:34 pm- Matt leers at a tollbooth worker, I just laugh.
3:35 pm- Adam dies of dysentery. We don’t have time to stop to dig a grave.

4:03 pm- Brad is singing incessantly.
4:05 pm- Amanda reads my journal and cracks up.
4:12 pm- Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200...
5:08 pm- Matt once again tells us that there are no brakes. It wasn’t as convincing as the first time...
5:28 pm- Brad is now singing 'Dream Weaver.' Matt is contemplating murder/suicide...

April 29, 2006: 9:05 am- We had a wicked awesome night! Kelly, Kara, Amanda, Matt and I went to this place in Times Square called Chevy’s. It was the best Mexican I have ever had. The drinks were awesome! I had shrimp and crab quesadillas and a raspberry/strawberry margarita. Times Square at night is amazing! I got hit on at TGI Friday’s! I laughed hysterically..."

Staying at the hostel for two days I met some interesting people. One night we met James from London, who was in the city on business. We talked about the variety of issues and it was interesting to see what he thought. Finally, it was interesting to have to go to Central Park in New York City to see my first raccoon walk five feet in front of me and jump into a trashcan. The New York trip is a good experience for the honors class."

Our next venture was Madame Toussaud's Wax Museum. Michelle, Der, Joe, Robin, Dave and I

Amanda Hart: "It is 11 am and we have almost started our trip to New York... This is already looking like an interesting trip and I think that this van is full of crazy, crazy people... Carla, Kara, Matt, Helly and I took the Metro into Times Square. As we walked up the stairs from the Metro I was blown away. It was amazing. There were huge billboards everywhere, and huge buildings behind them, and there were people everywhere. I have never seen so many stores in one place. We ate at this Mexican place called 'Chevy's'; it was so good. We walked around for a while and then took a cab back to the Hostel around 2:30 am to try to get some sleep before a long day on Saturday."
Kelly Madore: "We took a cab back to our hostel. I felt much more

After the U.N., Dan, Amanda, Brad and I went to a pizzeria. Then the four of us went to the top

Matt Crellin: "If a word existed that could properly capture the New York City experience that I had while on the honors Capstone trip, it might be 'eclectic' or 'tomfoolery'... alright, or maybe just 'debauchery.' Well, since debauchery denotes excessive drinking and promiscuous behavior, I'll just say that the trip was excellent and (dare I say) educational... The "Jazz on the Park" hostel was an altogether eye-opening experience. Once I stepped inside, the very magnificence of the jazz greats, such as Duke Ellington, Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk, manifested their majesty in the form of squeaky bunk beds and what can only be described by some as a dead cat lodged in the shower drain...

I decided to tag along with Carla and Kara for much of the day as we found smaller groups were a bit more manageable while traversing the city. We first stopped off at the World Trade Center to see ground zero. I cannot emphasize enough the power of this one location. Many years after the occurence of 9/11, the space is relatively clean but remains in a striking crater-like state. While the animation of the city circumambulates the site, the space once occupied by the twin towers in a vacuum of nothingness, save for some construction workers and steel debris. It's a very moving and hallowed space and I could not help but reflect on how much the singular event of 9/11 has shaped the world and inexorably influenced foreign and domestic policy. It was a highlight of my trip over the weekend."

For dinner, Matt, Carla and I headed to a sushi restaurant off of Times Square. It was the most elegant and trendy sushi restaurant I've ever been in, and the food was incredible. I couldn't rave enough about it later. Finally, we went shopping and gallivanting in Times Square for the rest of the night."

David Barnes: "The second day we went over to the UN headquarters. We managed to arrive

We decided to make our way toward Ground Zero so we could understand the full impact of the attack. It was quite the moving experience. In the train station below the street, there was this booth where you could record an oral history of a person who was affected by the attack. There were two sample ones you could listen to and it was an incredible experience. The one we listened to was of two parents discussing their son who had died in the buildings, and I was quite moved, almost to tears."

Amander Wotton: "The night brought us to Hooters and a Spanish night club. We had such a great time, and for a few of the people in my company, encountered their first cab ride. It was a relaxing evening that ended just shy of 3am. At 7 am we were ready to go again, headed for another walk, then to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art. This was, out of everything, the highlight of my trip. I am a huge fan of American Art, contemporary, modern, historical, and on and on. I would have loved to have some extra time there, I became lost in rooms upon rooms of eloquent pieces that included (a few famous names for the sake of looking impressive): 4 Andy Warhol, a whole exhibit on Paul Klee and Kara Walker, 14 Picasso, 6 Matisse, 2 Chagall, a Bonnard, and 10 O’Keefe. The talent that was confined in the walls of the [Met] was enough to bring an art fan to tears. I had the time of my life here."
Michelle Gaspar: "The museum was huge, I got lost a few times looking for various things. I went up to the roof and they had a few sculptures up there. It was really nice to be up there and look down over Central Park. It was a great view! The strangest piece of art that I saw at the

"Dropping Some NYC"
New Amsterdam - a photoset on Flickr
Ask Amnesty: An Online Discussion on Human Trafficking
Trafficking of persons is a global human rights problem. Victims are trafficked into a range of forced labor situations including farm work, sweatshops, domestic servitude, and sexual slavery.
Victims of trafficking are subjected to sexual abuse and other forms of violence. Trafficking involves transporting people away from the communities they live in by the threat or use of violence, deception, or coercion for the purpose of exploitation as forced or enslaved workers.
Please join us for an online discussion on tomorrow (May 10th) from 1:00-2:00 PM Eastern with the 2006 Amnesty International USA Ginetta Sagan Fund award-winner, Ljiljana Raicevic of Montenegro. Raicevic is the founder and Executive Director of the Women's Safe House in Podgorica, where she has worked to end all forms of trafficking in women and girls in Montenegro and to ensure that political officials accused of supporting trafficking were removed from office.» Submit a question in advance
Let's be careful out there! :-)
As a public service, the following website will give you your limits for how many caffeinated drinks it'd take to kill ya'! So, keep it under 50 cups of joe, ya'll!! :-)
Energy Fiend - Death by Caffeine
Interesting... Bloggers force Media to stand up and take notice!
That is, until the "blogstorm," both for and against the performance, forced it to appear finally in the New York Times...
What do you think? Whether you approve of Colbert's lambasting of the President or not, was it newsworthy? Should mainstream media have reported more about the heated reactions from all sides sooner than four days later, do you think??
(Humor is a longstanding tradition at this dinner of White House journalists... And so, either way, I have to admit that the hands-down funniest routine was maybe actually that with Bush himself, together with a comedian imitating him and his inner thought processes ... That's the real Bush on the left! Enjoy!!)
A Darfur Simulation
The Seven Deadly Social Sins

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
"Mohandas Karamachand Gandhi, one of the most influential figures in modern social and political activism, considered these traits to be the most spiritually perilous to humanity."
Quiz on UN Tour
Quiz on UN Tour
Historic Rally in Washington, DC, Delivers Three-Quarters of a Million Postcards Demanding an End to Genocide in Darfur!
And remember that your help in Capstone was a small but significant part of this important, ongoing effort to stop genocide whenever and wherever it occurs in the world!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."