Ask Amnesty: An Online Discussion on Human Trafficking

Ask Amnesty: An Online Discussion on Human Trafficking in Montenegro with Ljiljana Raicevic

Trafficking of persons is a global human rights problem. Victims are trafficked into a range of forced labor situations including farm work, sweatshops, domestic servitude, and sexual slavery.
Victims of trafficking are subjected to sexual abuse and other forms of violence. Trafficking involves transporting people away from the communities they live in by the threat or use of violence, deception, or coercion for the purpose of exploitation as forced or enslaved workers.

Please join us for an online discussion on tomorrow (May 10th) from 1:00-2:00 PM Eastern with the 2006 Amnesty International USA Ginetta Sagan Fund award-winner, Ljiljana Raicevic of Montenegro. Raicevic is the founder and Executive Director of the Women's Safe House in Podgorica, where she has worked to end all forms of trafficking in women and girls in Montenegro and to ensure that political officials accused of supporting trafficking were removed from office.» Submit a question in advance

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