News: "Affluenza - Rampant consumerism erodes us"

Not that 240 people necessarily constitute a scientific sample, but here's some food for thought in today's news anyway... :-)

Plus... (speaking of consumerism!) at right, a t-shirt for Jackie (and Johnson!)
Personally, I like the one at left myself!

Then, in environment news, talk about run-off: Sex-change chemicals in river that runs through US capital!

Lastly but not leastly, "WHAT DO WE CARE ABOUT? On a day when 55 people were killed by bombs in Iraq, the most read story on BBC news was news of a duck who survived gunshot wounds and two days in the fridge. The story was also more popular than Hillary Clinton's announcement to run for President in 2008."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is strange about the endocrine disrupters. I have heard of individuals flushing their birth control down the toilet and that impacting various fish species. I know that birth control can reduce fertility of some male fish species.