Assignment for this Week, plus SPRING BREAK READING ASSIGNMENT!

Oh, how I can hear the gnashing of teeth now! Fear not, there's not much reading over Spring Break, and at the very least you should find it quick and enjoyable... :-)

So, be sure to read the Foreword, "The How of Pooh?" and "The Tao of Who?" in your Pooh over Break. THERE WILL BE A QUIZ & DISCUSSION ON TUESDAY, MARCH 20! (Plus, and I know you're waiting on the edges of your collective seats for this, we'll also give you that day the Capstone daily schedule for the remainder of the semester! Stay tuned!!)

Then (or - perhaps I should say - "before"), read Global Issues, “Nuclear Now” & “Looking Into the Sun” (Articles 27 & 28) plus the brief handouts I'll give you on Tuesday night for Thursday, March 8. (Again, discussion will be on the menu, and - be warned - a quiz could also be on deck!) Remember also that your letters to the editor midterm will be due on that day!

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