In the News: A Harrowing Story...

"...Ricky's story echoes those of many residents of a children's asylum-seeker hostel in Hillingdon in west London. As well as looking after him, Hillingdon Council cares for around 1,130 children and young people found wandering abandoned in the world's biggest airport, Heathrow...

Many come to Britain alone, some as young as eight or nine, or in small groups of siblings. Often orphans of war, they come from all over the world, having scraped together money to pay agents or people-traffickers, who then abandon them and disappear. They have no papers, no belongings, and no idea what life holds for them now. 'At times they come in at a rate of between 20 and 30 a month," said Teresa Bateman, a team manager at Hillingdon's education and children's services...'"
More at Building a future for Heathrow's lost children - Yahoo! News

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