UPDATED: Newspapers in Trouble? Optimus Prime to the Rescue!

"So the NAA -- that's the Newspaper Association of America... decides it needs a literacy campaign. And what's a literacy campaign without a celebrity spokesman? Nothing! So who[m] do they pick? Optimus Prime. No, seriously. I officially declare this the end of media irony. [via]"

Talk about demographics... As far as I can tell, this ad campaign is aimed at just one age group: Tim Ryley! ;-)

UPDATED: After our discussion last night, I can't help but think that this is the one last, desperate stand of a team made up of two formerly-beloved icons of American culture, now has-beens (newspapers & transformers, that is!)


Kate said...

*shakes head in disapproval*

Michelle Laughran said...

Disapproval at the NAA or disapproval at my little joke? LOL

Hey, I'm actually a big fan of "Timinus Prime"! :-)

Anonymous said...

It is probably a shameless plug for the upcoming "Transformers" movie.

(pssht...Tim cannot read)

Kate said...

more like disappointed that we need the MEDIA to get people to READ :-b